Action Plans

Making sure that our legislature is aware that online poker is an important consumer protection and public safety issue is something in which all who want a safe environment in which to play our game should participate. iPokerOR provides a foundation on which players and activists can build upon, and through a group effort and in a unified voice, we can be heard.

This page will serve as a quick access point from where players can help get the message out to lawmakers through social media. We will update weekly, usually Sunday nights, so we can focus on key targets during the week.

You can and should call your legislators and let them, or their aides, know that this is an important issue to you. Be sure and send e-mails as well. We suggest a weekly e-mail to your legislators, reminding them this is a consumer protection and public safety issue, and will get Oregon players off of sketchy offshore poker sites. Write them until they answer, and then write them again to remind them.


Send one or both of these two tweets to Governor Brown:

Find your legislators on the contact page, click the 'click2tweet' tab at the bottom of the sheet, and click the two links (if available, not all legislators are on Twitter, yet <smh> ) and send those tweets.

You can edit any of these tweets to tailor the message how you wish.

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